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HOME > 経営コンサルタント > 有限会社 田辺コンサルタント・グループ > ブログ > ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -5  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(5)。

ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -5  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(5)。

前ブログ(4)からつづきます。Continued from the previous blog.

According to T. Ariga, the prize winner, Mitsutoyo Ariga repeatedly said, "We Japanese should give Korea Peninsula back to Korean People, after we polished and finished Korean Peninsula to come to be an excellent country". My mother, the first daughter of M. Ariga, conveyed what M. Ariga always had said to me. That is; "Don't call Koreans with the word, Yobo", and added, "Don't segregate Koreans from Japanese".


次のブログにつづきます。Continued to the next blog.


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