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HOME > 経営コンサルタント > 有限会社 田辺コンサルタント・グループ > ブログ > ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -7  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(6)。

ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -7  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(6)。

Continued from the previous blog. 前ブログ(6)からつづきます。

Confronting the suspicion that Mr. T. Ariga might be a Korean, T. Ariga presented a book. The book disclosed the fact that T. Ariga was the fourth son of M. Ariga. Incidentally, the name of the book was 'The memory of M. Ariga and what he did in Korea Peninsula'. The Japanese co-workers got satisfied reading this book.

There was another surprising effect. Korean co-workers also came to know the relationship between the two persons. The Koreans remembered Mitsutoyo Ariga very well as President Park Chung-hee did. Having known the fact, the Koreans got the more friendly feelings toward T. Ariga than before. And the enhanced good feelings accelerated the project the more and bring a good success of POSCO. T. Ariga thanked M. Ariga, his father, very much.

Continuing to the next blog.次のブログにつづきます。


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