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HOME > 経営コンサルタント > 有限会社 田辺コンサルタント・グループ > ブログ > ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -2 韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(2)。

ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -2 韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(2)。

前ブログ(1)からつづきます。Continued from the previous blog.

Satoko Tanabe, my wife, conveyed the Sankei news to me. She told me that the news paper reported the fact that late K. Ariga was given Prize of ROK from President Pak. Immediately, I gave a telephone call to Mrs. Ariga, my aunt-in-law, wife of K. Ariga. Hearing her explanation I knew the Sankei report was really true. Mrs. Ariga told me that she visited Seoul to receive the price. POSC is said to have kindly arranged every thing for the travel.


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