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HOME > 経営コンサルタント > 有限会社 田辺コンサルタント・グループ > ブログ > ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -9  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(9)。

ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -9  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(9)。

Continued from the previous blog. 前ブログ(8)からつづきます。

I already disclosed that T Ariga was given a complaint by collaborating Japanese, saying, "Mr. T. Ariga gives too much amount of information to Koreans". I am very sad to hear that he should be to blame in this way. It was quite natural that he sincerely taught Koreans concerning how to commercially manufacture iron & steel. I would hear T. Ariga's opinion as follows. In ancient age of Japan, we learnt manufacturing process of iron & steel from the people of Korean Peninsula. Therefore, it is quite natural that we give it back to the people of Korea.

Continued to the next blog. 次のブログにつづきます。


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